blogging as a research tool

Thursday, June 01, 2006

thinking allowed?

k so another few thoughts on using blogging as a research tool.

techy issues - what happens if '' doesn't let you into the website - maybe you forget your password
typing speed!!!

i saw a newspaper ages ago sugesting that one blog is created every second - this sounds like a good place to start with a presentation!!!

for me, i type here pretty much as i would scribble in a journal - what about those who read it - is this really accessible. True it fits with literary traditions such the Keroacian stream of consciousness but I ain't no Kerouac :).
spelling mistakes - again linked to the accesibility side of things

mmm - it's difficult to think of positives today. I'm note sure why coz i am actually finding blogging is proving pretty useful at the moment. A space to concentrate the mind on a specific topic. So there's a positive.
Also - hypertextuality works too (I may have mentionned that before) - however i'm presently beginning to change the links down the side of this blog to include useful resources (websites, links to papers and other blogs). There's a positive that I have begun to encounter in a small way - Community. Even though I have only had one posting from Gudrun (hello there) it has give us a common goal. Maybe if there were more people involved in this it would become kinda addictive (here i think of my friend who blogs all the time and has loads of people reading his postings). mmm maybe there's something there.

staty posted for more meandering musings (now i'm wondering who should stay posted, me, gudrun, the imaginary audience.....)


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